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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Starting Seeds Step 2

At day 3, only having the grow light on day 2, some of my seedlings were already getting leggy, a common happening for starting seeds indoors. I always admire how un-leggy my little seedlings are when they are grown outdoors.

So, I decided to make my 2" seed blocks for transplanting (added the compost this time) and transplant only the 5 least leggy specimens.

I left one row of 5 in case those who have not yet sprouted (perennial spinach, leek, and swiss chard), decide to do so. I kept these on the top shelf with my one grow light so they will not get leggy if they do sprout.

I left the peppers on the next shelf down, hoping they won't sprout before the aforementioned. But as soon as they do, I'll have to bump the other tray out of the top shelf so the peppers don't get leggy - 'cause the pepper really need that light and to be started indoors while the others are really only experiments to start them this early.

In other notes, the jury is out on Coleman's idea of leaving the seeds on top of the soil to germinate. This is what they looked like when they germinated…on tope of the soil. Not sure how I feel about that. I'll observe them more as they stay on the top shelf and see how the roots go in.

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