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Monday, February 4, 2013

Buying Seed

This will be the first year I will have my own backyard garden. I have a 20x50ft plot! I'm going to also try to have sunflowers, corn and cucumbers (climbing the sunflowers and corn) in a circle around the fire pit. I hope to have Beam's yellow pear tomatoes lining the side of the house and to cast mushrooms next to the fence in the shady area.

responsibly saved seeds

From Seed Savers Exchange, I will have:

Kale - Red Russian 

Lettuce - SSE Lettuce Mixture
Lettuce - Red Romaine
Swiss Chard - Five Color Silver Beet
Spinach - America
Kale - Red Russian
Broccoli - Calabrese
Broccoli - Romanesco
Pea - Amish Snap
Tomato, Amish paste (for preserving)
Tomato, Wisconsin 55 (preserve in salsa)
Tomato, Beam's Yellow Pear
Tomato, Black Krim 
Corn - Blue Jade
Cucumber - Japanese climbing
Cucumber - pickling (Preserve as pickles)
Ground Cherry - Loewen Family Heirloom
Collard - Georgia Southern
Leek - Prizetaker
Cabbage - Mammoth Red

Onion Set - Cobra (a good saver)
Onion Set - another
I will also buy some early, mid and late ripening strawberries from jungs and 
if I can't find a friends raspberries to clip from, I will buy those from Jung's as well.
I'll also buy my asparagus from Jungs, but I know it won't come up for a few years.

Terrior Seeds
Corn  - Cherokee long ear (Preserve for popcorn)
Black-Seeded Simpson Lettuce (warm-weather lettuce)

Annie's Heirloom Seeds
Thai Basil 2.00 (add to calendar)
Kamo Eggplant 2.00 (add to calendar)
Argenteuil Asparagus 2.00 (add to calendar)
Mary Wisconsin Asparagus (add to calendar)

Sunflowers - ?
Nasturtiums - ?
Pepper - from saved grocery seed
Basil - ?
Beans - ?
Pumpkin - ?
mushroom spores - ?
strawberries - ?
Onion sets - ?
Raspberries, Blackberries - ?

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