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Saturday, February 16, 2013



undersowing (sowing seeds under a crop so they will be ready to grow (pun intended) when you harvest the previous crop in the bed.

picture from Eliot Coleman's "The New Organic Grower"

Green Manure: is any plant which is grown for the nutricious quality it adds to the soil. These are not harvested for eating, but only for turning over into the soil for nitrogen and other qualities that feed the soil. The best green manure for your depends on the specific needs of your garden and what will grow well in your garden. Most of these plants grow very fast and some of them do a great job of keeping the soil aerated and together with their roots.

Some example of green manure crops are: hairy vetch, bell beans, sweet white lupin (loosens the soil), bersem clover, sweet clover (bi-ennial) and red clover.

Succession Planting: Refers to planting crops in a succession that will be beneficial to their growth. For example, I mention in my seed starting post that the soil created after an onion planting is particularly beneficial to starting seeds. If you check out the below picture from the "New Organic Gardener" you can see some other beneficial succession plantings. Please retain a copy of the book for fully accurate information.



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